Monday, July 09, 2007

زبط و احضار

هل هناك عدالة بالكويت؟ لنرى

don't bore me to death, i am sick of politics already. did you know that you cannot create a folder called COM1 LPT1 or CON. now thats fun come on you can try that on your computer.


Shurouq said...

Not unless you have a Mac :P

لا توجد عدالة في الكويت.. لذلك نكتفي بالمؤشرات الأولية لأي تلميح بإمكانية تطبيق العدالة فنفرح ونسوي حفلة

Easily pleased us.

Nooni said...

i just made all three folders

error said...


صاجة مثل ما يفرح الامريكان بالـ
نفرح نحن بهذه الخرابيط

لطالما استهزئت الحكومة بشعب التزم الصمت

congrats on the new mac ;P


you must be using a mac!!

LuLu said...

Maybe justice just doesn't exist in general?

error said...

if it does not exist in generel then maybe it exist somewhere else