Thursday, July 19, 2007

Elements of a Contemporary Collective Renaissance

Art in my opinion is an excellent gauge of cultural achievement and advancement; all scientifically advanced cultures were producing great humanistic forms of art prior to their scientific advancement. Florence can be a good example as it is widely seen as the starting point of European renaissance. Florence harbored many poets, artist and most notably influential thinkers like Machiavelli, later in other cities Martin Luther, which not only influenced but steered the cultural movement known as the renaissance.

Late introduction of printing press in early 1500 was the vehicle all of those renaissance figures used to deliver their ideas to the general mass; moreover it offered them protection from the Catholic Church brutality at that time, since it is know that the church will not tolerate anyone that could be a threat to it. And since it was obvious that the church may harm those figures, the Catholic Church restrained from such actions.

Censorship in our part of the world calmed or extinguished any effort to deliver influential ideas to the masses, so people would naturally stop reading since there isn't anything controversial to read. For the past 600 years we lacked both influential thinkers and a delivery method which consequently led to our standstill.

Yet it doesn’t necessarily have to be an influential figure in this modern age and obviously it doesn’t need to be delivered through printed press. The collective body of communal thought, i.e. blogging, proved to be very influential in steering society.

Now I find it funny that Machiavelli 500 years ago said "Let not princes complain of the faults committed by the people subjected to their authority, for they result entirely from their own negligence or bad example." Book III, Chapter XXIX

I hope this post makes sense to you. My question would be do we have real art in Kuwait? I find it real difficult for myself to measure art.


you can checkout some interesting artwork by Kuwaitis at sologa bologa's lates post scroll all the way to the bottom right before the comments


Extinct Dodo said...

i couldn't agree with you less.

the kuwaity blog scene has been infiltrated by a malicious wave of so called bloggers without a single creative, artistic gene in their bodies. who gives two shits about how tired you are from working, or what you and your boys played while hanging out at the dewaniya, or what you had for lunch, or what the latest t-shirt being sold by some wanna-be designer for ridiculous prices?

i gave up on kuwaity blogs. i much prefer reading saudi and emaraty, thank you very much.

someone bring back gigi and mcarabian please :/

Extinct Dodo said...

i meant agree more:|

error said...

More or less creativity will not beg to differ it will stand out
I think it’s a healthy part of the evolution we're relatively in the early stages

Nooni said...
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Nooni said...

Ok here is the thing,
art in Kuwait is undefinable unless you are an artist and you can tell what is going on.

About blogging, i believe blogs are windows into the common people, those who are not interested in news papers and those who don't know what is going on .. so it is a door into the largest number of people around the world, they are ideas from worker people to another.

The president of Iran is a blogger, why would a president have one? it is just a way to talk to the largest number of people and make them closer to him

What i'm trying to say, some people would put the effort in their blogs to send their points out and others would do it as a minor thing to reach their dreams without pressuring creativity or methodology of reaching those dreams

In regard dodo's comment: blogging in kuwait can't be used to measure the creativity of the people in this country, mostly kuwaiti bloggers are more open minded than the what is called "the normal kuwaiti citizen" because this one will be very busy socializing and working to get him self the life he dreams of, and blogging might simply effect his wasta to reach any dream or get any job.

I hope you get my point.

Nooni said...

sorry for the long comment.
ماكانشِ قصدي واللهِ

Nachla said...

انت قاعد تتكلم عن الفن او الابداع
اعتقد ان في فرق كبير

وفي الكويت يوجد الفن ولكن للاسف لا يوجد اي تقدير والكثير من الفنانين المبدعين محاربون او محبطون

يعني لازم ندور عليهم لانهم في النهاية ثروة للبلد

loved ur blog
and i agree with judy
kuwaitis r new to expressing them selves with writen words

Extinct Dodo said...

i recommend you watch this movie, i trust you will find it pleasant in a rather mentally stimulating and challenging way. enjoy :)

LuLu said...

If I flip my head and look at it upside down, maybe we can draw another lesson from the renaissance/art dualism:

Could it be that renewed interest in the art back then was a reflection of the political/social changes that took place:

the evolution of the commercially-based city-states of Florence, Milan, etc (instead of the rigin feudal-church) lead to the rebirth of the "individual" in place of the "institution." So perhaps it was the civil patronage of the city-state (based on commerce not fuedalism) that supported the rise of new artists--lets say first the Francenscan movement which influenced new church art in 15th CE.

So maybe what "we" lack is the civil, individualist atmosphere that can encourage and sustain art. I find it hard to imagine art flourishing in this current state of society.

and oops my comment is horrendously long.

error said...

I think blogging influenced Kuwait in many ways you can look at the constituency crisis last year as an example.

I don’t think bloggers are a special breed but its funny how you perceive a normal Kuwaiti citizen, bloggers are not an outcast they're part of society.

Welcome to the blogosphere. Laish nachla 3aad?

اذا كان الفرق كبير اود ان تذكرين اذا ما كان هناك شبه بين الفن و الابداع

متى ما وجدت البيئة المناسبة وجد الفن

Thank you. That’s true!

Thanx, interesting especially the part of the monetary system I was always against usury it enslaves the people. I wish I had the discipline to write about it.

You're beautifully right, I didn’t mention this but as a primary stage, individuals must have access to wealth, and a feudal society did not offer such premise except for a minority. Italy in general was heavily engaged in commerce which gave society a access to wealth, comfortably I should add. Now it's also important to mention that the rise of machine helped society in breaking loose from depending on a feudal land ownership, as peasantry seems to be the main revenue generating profession for society. All you needed was small part of your house to fit a printing machine or a sewing device and you can still generate revenue. This idea of not needing huge parts of land to generate revenue was novel.

I think what we really lack, for our greater society. is a comfortable path to wealth for all.

Elijah said...

When there is war and corruption, creativity emerges. Just wait.