Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy valentines to my Love, Kuwait

Peace, needed within and around. Good for Kuwait, the first Amir to admit Kuwait superseded by other nations. It’s about time an Amir admits it. I did not choose you coincidence did, so coincidence, you better have a plan.

Talk about our problems, acknowledge them, and start fixing them.

Live happily ever after.

p.s. so called web 2.0 boosted our web content production, which is very good, comparing the available content on the web 5 years ago, and the content available today, one can notice the great difference, I guess music content was dominant back then. Speaking of content Dr. Abdulla Al-Nefisi has a website , well why we wouldn’t expect a blog soon. Thank you internet users and contributors, for the great effort

We should not waste the opportunity Kuwait has for becoming a great nation. Change within, peace comes from within.


Spontaneousnessity said...

yeah yeah.. we kuwaities have goten used to talking, I don't think action works for us anymore.. ra7at lekuwait

error said...

dont be passive!! we enjoy more freedom today than ever, so why not do whats wright, right sponts?

eshda3wa said...

seeing is believing ... talking on the other hand....

Spontaneousnessity said...

I'm realistic, our freedom is not as it should be, ohwa el7emdella 3ala kel7al bs I prefer a country with all its cards on the table if you know what I mean..

..G.. said...

Loved your optimistic attitude :)

I guess thats part of the package in being the better person.. keep it going dear

error said...

curly girl
I like you curls but that won’t solve the problem

You’re pessimistic, we’ll that’s not happening and I wont sit still about it!!

g girl
Thank you! Welcome to my humble blog!!