Friday, October 06, 2006


يقول سموه
ان الكويتيون يحملون من الحسد ما يكفي لشعب الصين و زود

فنقول رداً على سموه
ان من اسباب كثرة الحسد بين الناس هو عدم تكافؤ الفرص

يقول بو صالح
الروس نامت و العصاعص قامت

فنقول رداً على بو صالح

Baroque says
The more i see "Khalid iL Waleed" (the tv series), the more i higher my
expectations of men.

And we shall say
The older a women gets, the more desperate she becomes.


Baroque said...

wow, i'm famous now..
woohoo i'm quotable..

a part of me wants to just say f**k off, and another part just pitys you...

N said...

LOOL! funnyy (sorry baroque ;*) b i agree with error ;p

error said...

pity me
and its Khalid ibn Alwaleed!!

welcome to my space :)

MSB said...

while i agree with u that with some women, the older they get, the more desperate they become, i think with others it's not true. with others, the older they get, the more confident they are in what they want and not, and what they're willing to put up with or not.

for example, when i was younger, my expectations were a lot lower. the older i get, the more i see, the more picky i get! it's easier to convince a young girl than a mature woman..