Monday, September 11, 2006

Bloggers loosing interest!

Bloggers loosing interest!

My grand 5 minute analysis of the situation, its quite simple. First of all let’s expose facts, the phenomenon, and with fair assessment, started around 2003, evolved around anonymity, which gave bloggers great freedom by lifting off the socio-cultural restrain i.e. judging individuals by his/her opinion therefore bloggers never had second thoughts about posting a topic, however now with many bloggers no longer enjoy the benefit of being anonymous, the socio-cultural restrain grew into the blogosphere where blogger imported their real identity to their virtual space as a result every word counts and that is why I think they are starting to loose interest.

It is important to have a balanced retaliation-ship where both readers and bloggers remain anonymous; on the other hand if one of them is no longer anonymous the balance will no longer be there.

So why don’t bloggers create a new identity in the blogosphere? The answer is yet to come!!

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