Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hips Don’t Lie!!

Me: Shakira soot’ha wayed ghajari “her voice is wild”
Her: aslan Shakira mo 7elwa “shakira is not pretty”
Note to my selft: la enty el 7elwa “^%*&#*!(&!!”
Me: I like Shakira “very cool tempered”
Me: I think shes wild! “Ghajariya”
Her: ee bas shakira mo 7elwa

So then I remembered, I was talking to Kuwaitiya (Mo 3ajebha a7ad)


Cuteberry said...

I dont like Shakira either.. Bs that doesnt mean that as kuwaitia I won't like any female singers.. Actually I think Thalia is beautiful (now that's a bonita latina .. mo Shakira! );)

Transparently said...

Obvious female strategy to obtain control of the conversation. When you refered to her voice, she refered to her looks. Women are evil (Except Shakira)! Yes Shakira is wild, even though there are prettier women.

Erzulie said...

Actually I know some girls that consider her normal.
The thing that I like about Shakira is that first of all, she does not put a lot of makeup which is rare, esp. if you're a celebrity.
Second of all, I think her body is amazing. She's not a stick like the rest of them; she has beautifully defined curves and none of that artificial silicon crap.
Personally, I don't think she is "JAMEELAAAAAA" bes she's incredibly attractive, sexy, sweet, and real.

Also, I don't like her voice in English songs. Madry a7es sa3at itqayer 9ot'ha she can sound like a man; I like her Spanish songs more; her voice sounds better in them.

error said...

Everybody should like Shakira! Whats not to like?

I think its more of a Shakira syndrome girls get ticked when you mention her name!! I agree Shakira is not the prettiest but I like her!!
الناس في ما يعشقون مذاهبُ

right not a lot of makeup, which by the way in my opinion, makes natural beauty more attractive. A lot of makeup does not necessarily mean prettier result where i think many Kuwaiti girls should see! She is not Jameela but why people always bring this point up whenever she is mentioned?
استفهام يفيد التعجب

error said...

its akeed mo maybe