Keep away your religious prejudice for a moment, enjoy the picture and think, why some religious people don't wear 3eqal "black rope over the top"?
is it a sign of piety? I doubt it, I mean its not expensive, could it be? hmm I've been wondering why for the past 2 years but I never got motivated to investigate or even ask someone religious why. So since I started blogging now, why not ask the Kuwaiti-blog-o-sphere. I could find the answer here "effortlessly" thank you very much for reading...
so if you have the answer, enlighten us.
My thoughts too! Id be interested in finding out the reason behind it... hehehe
على حد علمي ، بعض الآراء ترى ان الرسول (ص) لم يكن يلبس العقال ، و الامر ذاته للصحابه ، فبالتالي يعتقد هؤلاء ان العقال بدعة و لا يجوز لبسه
بالمقابل ، هناك فريق آخر لا يحرم لبس العقال ، على أساس أنه لا شأن له بالعبادة
Stay tuned for more :)
Bo Ghazi
Sounds convincing however the prophet PBUH was dressed in turban “3mama” not ghurtra or chmaq worn loosely “hadad”
The prophet PBUH had plaits “jidayel” also not only a beard so why do they cherry pick appearance wise?
Interesting post!
Okay, not to offend anyone, but out of curiousty, if the prophet PBUH wore "jidayil" as you mention, why do they say its 7aram for guys to wear their hair long (tashaboh bilnisa' i think is the reason)? Also, good point about the 3mama.
I don't know :)
Nobody said its 7aram! as matter of fact wearing your hear short for guys is tashaboh bil gharb “westernizing”. Historically Men in Arabia had long hair!
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