I was literally stunned few days while I was reading about metamaterials, a new field of science closer to fiction than reality, it took me a few hours of thinking before I can understand the idea behind metamaterials. it open a new dimension in my brain!!
Wood, plastic and steel are all materials with certain entities e.g. electronic current passes thru steel but not wood, steel is bendable wood is not. Entities make materials different from one another. Well imagine having the entities of wood without the wood! or to make it simpler imagine having the entities of steel without the physical appearance of steel ya3ni passing the electronic current to an invisible wire, and no its not like a wireless mouse, it’s an invisible wire! That’s called metamaterials.
The science behind it is that scientists are now able to alter the entities of materials so that they behave in ways that are not found in naturally formed materials. I know I’m starting to get sleepy too. I should go to bed …. To be continued
Great a couple of days later and now I’m updating, the question goes what is the priority for say handsome Khalaf or your local MP? What if a draft for a metamaterials lab to be issued who will vote for or against it? Will it be the main concern of the general population and the MPs representing them? Or dropping electricity bills is more favorable am I the only one excited or Khalaf as well? Maybe he is but its not just the right time for him to think about metamaterials and the scientific possibilities for such a scientific advancement sicne we’re like 30 days away from elections days. It’s nice that I can express my thoughts freely, I feel relieved. I think we’ll be far behind if we’ll be represented by people with screwed up priorities, frankly I would like to stay away from politics but you cant the current state of Kuwait with all the corruption and people including me are facing daily difficulties executing the lousiest and simplest tasks, work cannot be done and stuff gets delayed. Pushing for reform in anyway even if it was postponing my personal business for a while and getting politically active for the sake of the betterment of Kuwait is a must. Do your homework Vote for Kuwait!
what do you mean I make it sound so innocent?
Obviously you’re unaware of the political situation.
I meant elections and candidates are not innocent and honest, even if we had a law governing certain aspects of wealth exposé, who will enforce?
Pre-elections or “tribal pre-elections” so to speak are illegal. you assume this law is respected?
and how come you don’t reply in your own post!
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