Thursday, February 08, 2007

So I told her how I felt and stuff

She took it well, I was half asleep and as a matter of fact she called me the next day to thank me!

How awkward is that! I didn’t know how am I suppose to feel.

I was planning on going to the expo down in mishref this week. I expect it to be shitty just like every year. Nothing new really since the 80’s, same old same old, when will this country update.

Kuwait 2.0 beta majlis elommah edition
Thaif allaf bo ramya loans issue expansion pack 1.0v
Ahmad Alfahad operation rob oil; online multiplayer subscription

O haila ya rommana


Qa6Wa said...

LMAO@Kuwait 2.0 beta majlis elommah edition

error said...

mo bas blogger beta!

Spontaneousnessity said...

e 3adel, you should tell her how you feel, valentine's day is a couple of days away you're just on time, the expo thing, I didn't even bother to go this year

3abeer said...

The expo.. za7ma and nothing new.

it was a way for companies to sell out their stocked old items.

rated: crapy.

error said...

I felt relieved alas valentine has nothing to do with it. expo is like a huge hailag attraction

You are such a nice person you don’t deserve to live in Kuwait!

eshda3wa said...

the expo, za7ma, hot, and crappy, dont bother going, unless u did something bad and want to punish yourself

error said...

hehe welcome to the blogosphere