Saturday, February 24, 2007


I wonder how many of those are floating out there.
Cheers bo shmais!


Qa6Wa said...

inzain shmi3na 1/2 denar :/

Papillona ® said...

That's the only one, I assume. The stamp is the real gift and it means a lot more than just 500 fils

Question: mino yingal lah bu shmais?

..G.. said...

CUTEEE I want one!!!!!

may9eer?? :P

eshda3wa said...

how cuuute
ya7lailik ya bushmais

Spontaneousnessity said...

بوشميس مو هذا ثقيل الطينه مال دعايه الوطنيه؟

error said...

Maybe bo shmais is a cheap person, easily satisfied.
Does it? So can I stamp happy valentines on a 1 kd note and make it a nice gift for someone special? Is that proper? 3abdulatif
Kilshay eseer but unfortunately I bought chewing gum with the money.
Now I’m starting to have second thoughts about such a gift, maybe its not that bad after all.
mako bo shmais in commercials yet, ako bo Rashid and someone else I think.

Elijah said...

LOL looks like Abu Shmais didn't like the person who gave him the money because he spent it haha

error said...

LOL! Thats one good way to look at things